My feet point out.
My shoulder capsule is rounded forward.
My upper body is in a turned or twisted posture.
My pelvic girdle has tilted forward from the top causing excessive curvature in the lumbar spine.
One upper leg is twisted to the outside
One side of my pelvis is further forward than the other.
My ankles are bearing weight on the inner aspect of the foot and ankle.
My head from the side view is forward of the gravitational line.
My other upper leg is twisted to the inside.
One knee is further away from the mid line of the body in the front view compared to the hip or foot.
My upper body has shifted slightly sideways in the front view or back view.
One lower leg is experiencing an imbalance in its position lining up with the upper leg.
My upper body is bent forward more from the waist rather than in a slouched position. Rounding of the upper body (thoracic flexion) can accompany this postural position.
In short, I'm a mess! But that is ok, I am now on the road to recovery.
The Egoscue software creates a stick figure, illustrating the above postural misalignment. You can see how I am tilted this way and that.

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