I had ordered Josef Dellgrotte's walking DVD last Sunday and it arrived yesterday. I watched the 80 minute video last night and started doing some of the practice exercises both standing and on the floor. The basic idea is that when you push off on one leg, your opposite hip, ribs and shoulder move upwards and to the rear. This motion stretches out your body and lifts your spine, helping to maintain good posture. The instructional video is filled with exercises to teach your body and brain to move in this way. It does require practice to walk this way. But even the little walking I have done using his technique, has almost eliminated my limp from my bad right hip. A short introduction to this walking style can be viewed here.
My experiment with ACV is going well. I drink my glass of ACV in water late morning and I have been looking forward to it each day. I rinse my mouth out with fresh water afterwards, to remove any acid from my teeth. I haven't seen any effects yet.
Early next week it will be 4 weeks that I have been doing my Egoscue exercises and that I have been taking glucosamine/condroiton. I understand it takes a minimum of 4 weeks before this supplement kicks in, so hopefully I'll see some positive results soon. I have noticed that when I stand now, my weight is equal on both feet, so I think Egoscue is helping in that area too.
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